Clientless Remote Desktop — Apache Guacamole Installation

Robin Ding
1 min readAug 11, 2021

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.

We can use as one place to manage all your cloud resources and also local resources whatever windows OS or linux OS, it doesn’t require any software intalled on your resource PC.

And also, it supports various different ways for authentication.

Here are 3 options to install guacamole

1. Official Doc — Install Natively (not recommend), too complicated,

2. Official Doc — Install with Docker (Good),

Need to run 3 different containers, and no docker compose.

3. Nonofficial Doc — Install with Docker (Easiest):

Based on the native installation.

For simplicity, I suggest to use Option3; But if you want to be more official way, then go Option2.

I plan to research Option2 to build one docker compose and make it simplier in following days.

